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Creative Ally Consulting was born from a lifetime of working as an architect, author, teacher and filmmaker.  Decades of accessing the source of imagination, discovering innovative ideas and putting them into action have taught me what motivates creative work, how it is conceived, and practical ways of bringing it to fruition. This experience has shown me that beneath the hopes and fears, inspirations and frustrations, successes and failures of creative endeavors, our true creative being shines, ready to be nurtured and expressed. Whether you are an experienced artist or starting your creative journey, I can be your ally in uncovering deeper levels of your creative self and expressing it. 

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Benefits From Creative Ally Sessions

Supportive Presence—After decades of meditation and mindful living, I bring a deep, silent awareness to Creative Ally Consulting, providing a stable and insightful basis for creative work.


Empathetic Listening—Years of engaging creative challenges and breakthroughs through a variety of media allow me to understand the trials you pass through and offer support to the specific needs of your current creative project.


Personalized Approaches—Listening to your specific needs and dreams, I provide approaches to your creative process that align with your unique creative challenges.  As your project develops, I adapt my supportive input to respond to the changing requirements of the work.


Practical Experience— A lifetime of working as an architect, author, teacher and filmmaker enable me to help you access the source of imagination, discover innovative ideas and put them into action.


Openness, Enthusiasm and Fun—I bring an adventurous, light-hearted spirit to Creative Ally Consulting, opening each session beyond limited boundaries to the creative possibilities discovered through play.

What I Believe

• Each person is born with a unique creative spark to carry into the world.


• The creative spark of most individuals is ignored, discounted and hidden.


• Recognizing, honoring and expressing your unique create spark is vital for your health and well-being.


• Sharing your personal creative spark connects you to the world and is essential to making it a better place.


• At this time in history, the world needs as many diverse creative sparks as possible to be shared so the monumental transformations taking place are inspiring, nurturing and sustainable.


• Each individual needs an ally to assist them in recognizing, respecting and communicating their unique creative spark.

Why I Offer Creative Ally Consulting

• I have a natural ability for seeing a person’s unique creative spark and being their ally in expressing that spark in meaningful and inspiring ways.


• I have a lifetime of experience in developing effective methods and tools for sharing the specific qualities of an individual’s creative spark.


• It is inspiring to work with people in translating their creative sparks into meaningful and enriching work.

More About Me

• I look behind the outer form of things to see the space of creative consciousness that gave them birth.


• I’ve traveled the globe, learning how people in diverse cultures translate their creative energy into inspiring art and design.


• In India, I learned the value of exploring the inner design of heart, mind and spirit through meditation and yoga.


• Studying world mythology and Jungian archetypes, I deepened my understanding of how consciousness and form influence each other.


• In architecture school at the University of California at Berkeley, I discovered how to weave the regenerating forces of nature into physical structures by doing my masters thesis on the relationship of sunlight and architectural form.


• For more than 38 years I’ve used this knowledge to help clients achieve their creative dreams. 


• I shared the knowledge I've gained in two books about the relationship between who we are and where we live. THE TEMPLE IN THE HOUSE: Finding the Sacred in Everyday Architecture explores how buildings express inner patterns of thought and feeling. A HOME FOR THE SOUL: A Guide to Dwelling With Spirit and Imagination describes how each room in your home can become a setting for nurturing and inspiring your creative spirit.


• For fun I wrote a children’s book with Melanie Brown and Elaine Arnold called Frankie’s Bau Wau Haus about a golden retriever who designs his own dream house


• I’ve authored other books and made a 30-minute documentary film called THE LIVING TEMPLE: A Journey Through World Sacred Places.


• My work has gained international attention and has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, National Public Radio and numerous other media outlets.


• I’ve been invited to give lectures and workshops on creativity in all parts of the country and internationally.


Some Details About Me

California Architect’s License: C-17095

Education: Master of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley

Architecture Website:



The Temple in the House: Finding the Sacred In Everyday Architecture, (Tarcher/Putnam, 1994)

A Home for the Soul: A Guide to Dwelling with Spirit and Imagination (Clarkson Potter, 1997)

Frankie’s Bau-Wau Haus, Co-authored with Melanie Brown (Rizzoli, 1995) 

24 Patterns of Wisdom: Navigating the Challenges and Awakenings of the Human Journey (Ink Monkey Press, 2011)



National Public Radio

The Oprah Winfrey Show

Tapestry, Canadian Broadcasting Company

Interior Design Magazine

Home Magazine

Los Angeles Times

Sacramento Bee

Iowa Architect

Detroit Free Press


Successful Restaurants

The Soul of Paris: An Art, Literature, and Architecture Tour, Institute of Noetic Sciences

Numerous other television and radio interviews and newspaper articles



Architecture and Psyche, Jung Foundation of New York, 2012

Dwelling in the Sacred, Shambhala Mountain Center, 2012

Architecture, Myth and Culture, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2012

Architecture and Psyche, Jung Institute of Los Angeles, 2012

Creativity and Design, Three Rivers Arts Center, 2011

The Architecture of Healing Spaces, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2011

Earth, Mind & Design, 8 lecture series, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, 2008 

Architecture & Healing in the Age of Neuroscience, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2007

The Living Temple, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, Mill Valley, 2006

Transcendence & Architecture in The Digital World, School of Architecture and Planning at The

     Catholic University of America, 2006

Creating Practical Poetics In Building Design, AIA National Convention, 2003

Soul is in the Details, Cathedral Heritage Foundation Festival of Faiths, 2002

The Temple in the House, Jungian Institute of Chicago, 1996

Creating A Home for the Soul, Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, 1995

Archetypes, Architecture & Sacredness, Jungian Institute of Chicago Conference, 1995

The Sacred in Everyday Architecture, Graham Foundation, Chicago, 1995

Soul & Cutting Edge Design, American Institute of Architects, New York Chapter, 1994

The Temple in the House, Berkeley Architectural Heritage Society, 1994

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